Favorable conditions to get back to these seminars, after the pandemic period finally arrived and it became feasible to re-activate our scientific gatherings. It is to be noted that all the previous meetings have been exclusively organized in collaboration with Delhi University and the Academy of Science. This time we wished the Encounter to be set once again in India, and more specifically in Goa, where it took place the last time in 2003.
From 1978, several historians from various Universities – Indian, Portuguese, French, Brazilian and Anglo-Saxon – started to get together regularly in dialogue, a scientific international dialogue, at seminars called International Seminar on Indo-Portuguese History. Fifteen such seminars have been organised between 1978 to 2018 in India, in Goa (1978, 1983, 1994, 2003), Cochin (1989), Delhi (1998, 2013) and elsewhere, in Brazil (2000), France (2010), Macau (1991), Mozambique (2018) and Portugal (1980,1985, 1996, 2006). Many of those who participated in these Seminars are nowadays held to be world-wide authorities in the area of the subjects they work on.
In 1990s, the scope of the subject grew wider and it reached out to the Humanities and other Social Sciences. It then absorbed new dialogue research methods between researchers, such as the way spaces are studied and compared (from India to the Indic Ocean and towards globalization), and also the way multi-disciplinarity is viewed (Archaeology, Anthropology, Literature, History of the Arts, Urbanism, Archival Studies).